C-TEC NC951SS Disabled Person Toilet Alarm Kit Stainless Steel Finish
Market leader C-tec provide a complete kit for a disabled persons toilet alarm. The kit is now with a combined ceiling and wall mountable pull cord unit. It includes everything required for a BS8300 compliant emergency assistance alarm, in one easy to install system.
In a very attractive brushed stainless steel finisf
Allows a distressed person to raise an alarm in an emergency. To operate, the user pulls the cord of the ceiling/wall pull to activate a light and sounder outside the WC and on the system's Call Controller.
The system's ‘Call Accept’ function allows staff to send an intermittent call acknowledgment signal to the WC to confirm help is on the way.
The kit includes:
- NC941/SS 12V 140mA Call Controller c/w standby battery & relay
- NC807C Ceiling/Wall Pull
- NC806CS/SS Overdoor Light c/w Sounde
- NC809DB/SS Accessible Toilet Reset Point c/w Sounder & NC949 Accessible WC Sticker
It can be wired in 4 core stranded security cable. It can also be used as a single zone assistance alarm in changing rooms, solariums, interview rooms, reception areas & more.