L27883 - CARDEA Essential 180mm Locking Window Restrictor
The Essential Window Restrictor from Cardea is designed to restrict the opening of a window, helping to prevent the risk of falling and injury. Depending on how the restrictor is fitted, the opening can be adjusted to requirements, from a minimum of 8.9cm in accordance with child safety regulations or a maximum of 10cm in line with HSE Guidelines, but they can be opened up to 15cm. They are suitable for use in both the home and the workplace and ideal for venues such as schools and care homes. It is easy to fit and suitable for use on all kinds of windows, including PVC, aluminium, wooden and metal constuctions.
CARDEA Essential 180mm Locking Window Restrictor
Restricts window opening, helping to prevent falls
Adjustable restriction between 8.9cm - 15cm